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Request Information

Request Information

Before making an FOI request to the Water Authority, please check the  Document Library and Disclosure Log to see if the information you seek has already been published on this website.

Submitting a Request

A valid FOI request must:

  • Be in writing (letter, e-mail, or facsimile)
  • Include a name and an address (either postal or e-mail)
  • Where possible, include a contact telephone number
  • Be as specific as possible about the information you seek (include dates and other useful details)


A request can be made by submitting the form below.

Requests for information and/or general queries about making requests should be directed to the Water Authority's Information Manager:

Wendy Whittaker

P.O. Box 1104 (345) 949-2837 Ext 2013

Grand Cayman KY1-1102 : (345) 949-0094

CAYMAN SLANDS foi@waterauthority.ky


Responding to an FOI Request

The Water Authority will acknowledge  your request within 10 calendar days to the address given and respond to the request as soon as practicable but not later than thirty calendar day after the date of receipt of the request. However, the authority may extend the period of thirty calendar days for a further thirty day period, in any case where there is reasonable cause for such extension.

For detailed advice on which information is exempt, please see the  FOI Unit website.

Online FOI Request FormMore Information